Sunday, August 7, 2011

FootLocker = The Devil.. (sneakerhelp)?

Im gonna teach you the footlocker scam. I know how to do this because I work there. First the customer walks into the store and needs some shoes, then you get the shoes for him and when there not looking check the price. If there on sale or if the employees have there 50 percent off deal you go up to the customer (lets just say the shoes are retail 100 and on sale for 50 and the customer doesnt know that) you just tell the customer" Hey give me 90 cash and there yours. The stupid customer takes the shoes and then you ring it up when they leave with your employee discount and you just made 65 cash. Thats how I scam customers at footlocker. As for the cleaner. Just go in there and tell them to pay for the shoes or you call customer service on them and they will do what ever you say. Or try the sude cleaner. I hate my job but the cleaners work good if you use them on the right shoes. The water proofer is good on dark shoes. I hope this helps and if you think the employee is trying to scam you like i do people then just ask for a recipt so they cant low ball you. Peace!!!

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