Saturday, August 13, 2011

38 weeks and 1 day!?

At my 37 week check up last Wednesday I was 3 cm (do not know how effaced because doctor hasn't been telling me)! I AM SO F*ING MISERABLE and I am starting to get worried as I have tried everything (safe) to naturally induce labor since then and NOTHING! I have been extremely exhausted and my body aches from head to toe (do not know why) and I am not getting much of any sleep. Also, I am getting really worried as my daughter slowed down a great bit yesterday (barely moved) and last night and this morning I have felt nothing which is very unusual! I know she has less room to move but up until Saturday she was a very hyperactive little girl...especially at night. I am not really even sure if I am having contractions, I know I am having BH and pain in my lower back but nothing is coming around to the front of my stomache like a real contraction. Am I being paranoid or something? I plan on going to the ER this afternoon if she doesn't start moving...I did drink some coke to see if (cont)

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