Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Who should Romney pick as his running-mate in 2012?

The GOP is going to have a splintered convention because the ultra-conservatives are trying to oust the moderate faction within the party. The ultras include Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, and Huckabee. The moderates like Gov. Crist of Florida are marked for defeat by this group. Romney, himself, may be a target of this "hit list." If he does win the nomination, he would be wise to pick an ultra-conservative to unite the party. If he doesn't pick someone the power brokers approve of you may see a third party form in 2012. Your choices are very sound, but Romney cannot pick a running mate from the state from which he is a citizen and voter. It's against the US Constitution. I think Governor Pawtenky of Minnesota would be a solid choice. Also, I believe he should consider Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison. Even though she is running for governor of Texas against Republican Gov. Rick Perry and is behind in the polls, she would bring conservatives, women, with strong experience, and a solid record of achievement to the ticket. She would be much stronger than Sarah Palin. Her days are pretty much over because she resigned from office as Gov. of Alaska because of the heat generated from ethics scandals, and other Repubs frankly do not like her.

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